Soft Fruits for TastEd
Illustrations for TastEd food education programme.
Cookery Books with Bee Wilson
Illustrations by Annabel Lee
Mixture of mediums
TastEd BBC Prize 2022
Charity giving children the opportunity to experience the joy of fresh vegetables and fruits. TastED believe learning about food should be more carrot, less stick.
We love to take pictures and show them to the world.
Industry sketches "Constructing" 2023
Mixed media, water colour and collage
Industry sketches "Constructing" 2023
Mixed media, water colour and collage
Industry sketches "Constructing" 2023
Mixed media, water colour and collage
Part of a series about sight, smell and taste
The eyes of the world
Eye 1
Eye 2
Eye 3
Eye 4
Eye 5
Eye 6
Eye 7
Eye 8
Eye 9
Illustrations for 'Consider the Fork'
Consider the Fork, by Bee Wilson, pub. Penguin. Translated into Spanish as La importancia del tenedor. Historia, inventos y artilugios en la cocina, Turner, 2013
Illustrations for TastEd food education programme.
Bosnia Opera Flash Cards
For English Pocket Opera Company
Concert Tour Flash Cards 1
For a English Pocket Opera Company and tour of China, Mexico and South Korea
Classical music galore!
Food Illustration
Commission for food writer Bee Wilson
Citrus Fruit
Illustrations for TastEd food education programme.
Infograph for 'The Way we Eat Now'
The Way We Eat Now: Strategies for Eating in a World of Change by Bee Wilson. Published in the US as The Way We Eat Now: How the Food Revolution Has Transformed Our Lives, Our Bodies, and Our World, Basic Books, 2019
Apples for TastEd
Illustrations for TastEd food education programme.
Yellow Roses
For Greeting Cards
Concert Tour Flash Cards 2
For English Pocket Opera Company and a tour of China, Mexico and South Korea